Global Imbalances and Financial Stability
Miranda Xafa
Περίληψη :
This paper discusses two opposing views on global imbalances: The "traditional
view", which regards the imbalances as a threat to global economic and financial
stability, and the "new paradigm" view, which considers that they are the
natural consequence of economic and financial globalization. In terms of their
policy implications, the traditional view focuses on monetary and fiscal policy
decisions in the United States that need to be urgently reversed to avoid an
abrupt unwinding of the imbalances involving a sell-off of dollar assets, a
sharp increase in U.S. interest rates, and a hard landing for the global
economy. By contrast, the new paradigm view considers that the imbalances will
be resolved smoothly through the normal functioning of markets. The paper argues
that an abrupt unwinding of imbalances is highly unlikely and advances a number
of arguments in support of the new paradigm view.